Hurricane Ian

A hurricane no matter the size is terrifying for everyone that it is going to land.  Hurricane Ian landed as a Category 4 almost Category 5 which is very terrifying.  I went through Hurricane Andrew (Category 4/5) and also Hurricane Ike.  I pray that people followed the advice to get out of harm’s way.  I ask all to join with me in prayer for all that will face this storm and the after math of this storm.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for the protection You give all of us.  Please help those affected by this Hurricane.  There is going to be a lot of destruction from this hurricane.  Please help those to hold on to You and to have the peace and faith in You that things will be okay.  Help those to have places to stay while the cleanup from this hurricane.  As it leaves Florida and heads to the other states help those that will be affected to prepare for and stay safe during this.  All these things I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen





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