Monday, 14 November 2022
One of the memories that I treasure is when our family spent Thanksgiving Day in a way that most probably doesn’t. The day started out with my grandfather and I spending time with GOD while my grandmother got breakfast ready. Then after breakfast he would read all the notes that were in the glass jar
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The Love of My Grandparents
Monday, 14 November 2022
My grandparents were always there for anything that went wrong in my life. My grandma was my best friend and one of the most treasured in my life. She was my refuge and strength. I poured out my heart to her and she understood me, as my parents couldn’t or wouldn’t. She offend told my
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The Introduction to a Walk
Monday, 14 November 2022
I always knew that I had GOD in my life no matter how rough and troublesome it was. My grandma instilled that in my heart and always told me I could talk to Him anytime I wanted- no how small the problem. She always told me that He created me to be unique and special
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Family Tradition- Part Three
Sunday, 13 November 2022
On November first the last of the glass jars was placed on the top of the TV until the day after Thanksgiving because on that day it would be places in the center of the stand that stood beside the Christmas tree. This third jar was what grandfather call the special jar because the purpose
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Family Traditions- Part Two
Sunday, 13 November 2022
There are so many treasured memories from my childhood. I have already told you about the glass jar in the center of the table. There is another treasured memory that started on the first of November as well. On that day my grandfather would place another glass jar in the center of coffee table in
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Talks with GOD
Saturday, 12 November 2022
My life is truly blessed with GOD in it. He has given me the ability to write my feelings and thought down on paper in a journal as record of the many prayers I have and a way to record answered prayers. The journal is also a way of GOD healing the past hurts and
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Meaning of Thanksgiving
Saturday, 12 November 2022
With Thanksgiving coming up soon, I want to express what it means to me. It is a true relationship between GOD and me. Thanksgiving is an attitude of my heart that creates an intimate relationship with GOD. I celebrate it with give thanks for the may blessings GOD has given me. My gratitude to Him
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Hope in GOD
Saturday, 12 November 2022
Most of us today have struggles that we face. The fact that our economy has taken a turn for the worse financially, is overwhelming my own to find hope and relieve anxiety in my life and in my home is ever-present. I know in my heart that all I have to do is put my
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Family Traditions- Part One
Friday, 11 November 2022
I have many special memories of holiday traditions. One of my favorite memories started the first of November when the big glass jar would be placed in the center of the table. My grandparents and I would start the day, as we always did, with quiet time with GOD. I was taught that before the
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Hurricane Ian
Wednesday, 28 September 2022
A hurricane no matter the size is terrifying for everyone that it is going to land. Hurricane Ian landed as a Category 4 almost Category 5 which is very terrifying. I went through Hurricane Andrew (Category 4/5) and also Hurricane Ike. I pray that people followed the advice to get out of harm’s way. I
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