There are so many treasured memories from my childhood. I have already told you about the glass jar in the center of the table. There is another treasured memory that started on the first of November as well. On that day my grandfather would place another glass jar in the center of coffee table in the front room. He told me that the reason it was placed there was because while sitting on the couch a person could place pieces of paper in the jar of things they were grateful for throughout their day. The only rule was that we had to list what and who we were thankful for on the piece of paper. We could drop a piece of paper of thankfulness in the jar as many times as we wanted throughout the day.
My grandfather was a minister so there was always someone coming to the house. I remember when people would come to visit the first thing that was always ask was for an explanation of the jar in the center of the coffee table. My grandfather would explain that it was a jar that notes of thankfulness were placed; at that the second question was can we place a note of gratitude in the jar also. Grandfather would always say yes and that there was no limit of time that they could do so. After the visitor had finished placing the note into the jar the main reason for the visit was addressed. It was a joy for me to see that some of the same visitors came every day for no other reason than to place a note into the jar.
This jar was a way for all involved to focus or be reminded that there were things to be thankful for throughout the day. It is easy to focus on the big things in life and forget to treasure the small things in life. On Thanksgiving night grandfather would empty the jar and read all the note aloud to all that had come for Thanksgiving dinner. The great thing about Thanksgiving dinner was that all our friends and family were together sharing.